Saturday, May 24, 2008

That Swoosh

Recently one of my coworkers asked us, "Did you ever have one of those Swoosh moments?" She went on to explain that she thought she had not reserved enough hotel rooms (a major element in her work right now), but then realized that she had indeed resolved the situation the day before.

She went on to define for us what a 'swoosh' moment meant. It's that feeling you get in your stomach, that 'oh, [crap], what did I forget' mixture of uncertainty and panic, accompanied by rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and knowing, just knowing, that because of your incompetency, some big disaster is about to happen. 'I've let something fall through the cracks.' or: 'I've left people high and dry.' or, and almost always: 'Everyone will be so disappointed in me.'

Of course, often the Swoosh is usually followed by a realization that all is well, the fear was unfounded. However the accompanying relief is not exactly pure, more like a 'dodged that bullet' kind of feeling.

I hate the Swoosh. When my friend brought it up, I immediately recognized what she was talking about - I'd just never given it a name (other than an 'oh [crap]' moment). I've had it too many times. Does that mean I'm too busy? Too disorganized? Not confident enough in my skills or work? I'm not certain.

I could say God is doing a great big tap on the shoulder, because my knee-jerk reaction is to yell silently, "Oh, God, help!!" But I don't think he's really that masochistic...

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