Thursday, May 29, 2008

getting out of the city (I)

While it's great to live in Chicago, now and then it's really nice to be able to leave the city for a short time, even just a few hours, and go to a different place. This year on Memorial Day weekend, I was able to do it not once, but twice.

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On Saturday, my friend and I went to the Botanic Gardens. It ended up being the perfect day for it, too - warm enough that you didn't feel like you were freezing, but cool enough that it was great to be walking around. The place was packed - families, couples, young, old, kids, everyone was there. Seemed every group we passed was speaking a different language, too. Even the birds were in on it, beautifully colored and noisy birds everywhere we went on the paths.

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It's a prime people watching place. Many of my photos are of people taking pictures, either of plants or of their loved ones.
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We laughed to see some shirtless body-builder guy posing by the statue. What the heck - I took his picture too! Just before we left, we saw not one but two bridal parties file past. What nice wedding albums they'll have!
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Now I've been to the Garden before, but this time was somehow more fun. Maybe because I'd been there before, and so it wasn't completely new. Maybe since it was Spring (my favorite season after all), and so many flowers and trees were in bloom. I kept finding spots that would be perfect to sit and read a book, have a conversation, or just sit and enjoy the view. The Garden has seats and benches all over the place that lend themselves to contemplation and appreciation of the beauty all around. So many times I thought to myself, if only I lived closer, I could come here more often, and more casually, instead of feeling like I have to peruse the entire place every time I came.
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All in all, the day made me appreciative of nature, of friends, of people's goodwill, and to God for creating us and this beautiful world in which we live.

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