Monday, September 8, 2008

Repeat Witness

So, in February, I wrote about being a witness. It's happening again, right now. I'm in the same place, even, with some of the same people. We're talking about who we are as Christians, who we are as the Covenant, who we want to be as the Covenant, what challenges we will face in coming years, what responsibilities we have to God, to our churches, to our pastors, to our communities, our conferences, our country, the world.

Just a small conversation...

The setting is interesting. We're at the University of St Mary's of the Lake in Mundelein. It's the same place we held the meeting where we talked about being intentional about ethnic diversity. It's the same place where we held a meeting to look at the implications of our numeric growth on our current structures. Not to mention countless other retreats and meetings we've had here.

This is becoming a very meaningful place for the ECC. Who would have thought that a Catholic seminary / retreat center would be so instrumental in the direction of our church?

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