Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I have 34 friends :)

I have 34 friends. I have 34 friends!!!!! (on Facebook, that is)

I can view my friends. I can edit how I know them. I can confirm how they know me. I can see what friends we have in common. I can look at pictures of them (one of my friends is pictured here), unless they didn't upload any photos and just have a great big question mark instead of a face.

I can check out their interests, find out things like their birthday, college, their relationship status (including whether they're looking for men or women), books they've read, how fast they've done sudoku, even their extremely accurate IQ testing, if they've done it.

I think I need to 'unfriend' one of my friends because when I looked at his photos, he had pictures of STRIPPERS!!!!!!!! And he is in the North Park Network!! For shame! Yes, remove that friend, definitely! (turns out he has the same name as someone I went to school with, but he's obviously neither that person nor too picky about his friends, since he blandly accepted me as a friend without even seeing if he knew me)

I can see how many friends my friends have. (They range from having 7 to 914 friends; I've given up trying to figure out how many we have together.) Wait... 914??? Compared to my measly 34 - well actually 33 - friends? Now I'm feeling a little inferior.

My son says he quit Facebook because it was just a popularity contest to see how many friends you can get. Hmmm... I joined a group on Facebook called "I bet I can find 1,000,000 people who dislike George Bush." (haha! They not only found 1M people, they've now started the search for FIVE million)

So maybe they should include another category of who you're NOT friends with - I have two people already (Bush and stripper-friend guy) to put there...


Swedish Colombian said...

Update: 11:57 pm
I now have 40 friends!! (39 after stripper guy gets axed, that is)
Wow! I'll have 941 in no time!

Swedish Colombian said...

Woo-hoo!! I'm up to 46 friends, and have been begging like mad for more (won't you friend Chris? Chris is asking you to be her friend. Have you ever met Chris? Been in the same room with her? In the same organization? Same city? C'mon, bite the bullet and click the stupid friend button, already before she humiliates herself further!) I'm keeping stripper friend guy in protest till I get 100!

Swedish Colombian said...

Chugging away toward that 100 mark, I now have 74 friends, and some of them are even family! (26 to go, 27 to get rid of stripper guy!)