Monday, October 6, 2008

'My Very Own' first installment...

Today I received my first three meals prepared by My Very Own Chef!! I had my son pick which one he wanted to try. He decided on Ratatouille. I was a little less than completely enthusiastic, because it has eggplant, right? And I'm not enthusiastic about eggplant, but still wanted to try the dish.


First of all I was starving because I worked late again today, and didn't get home till almost 7:00. So by the time we talked about it, decided what to eat, then cooked it, it was about 8:00. Then bit by bit, the house started getting infused with the most delicious smells.

When the food was ready, I served up our two plates. Son was less than enthusiastic about trying goat cheese, but he decided to be brave.
(Fred Astair song/dance break) "Heaven, I'm in heaven. And my mouth's so full that I can hardly speak! But I seem to find the happiness I seek, when there's ratatouille stuffed inside my cheeks!"
The flavors were so yummy, and so good together. Between the slices of veggie, the sauce it's cooked in, the tang of the goat cheese, and the basic goodness of the couscous, I really did feel like I was in heaven.

My son loved it. He expressed himself weirdly though. Here was our conversation:

Me: So, did you like it?

Him: Yeah, it was okay.

Me: Okay?!!

Him: Yeah, I mean it's not like my normal kind of food I eat every day. But it was delicious. But I wouldn't eat it every day, you know? But I really thought it was delicious!

Me: Um. Okay.

As I'm writing this, he hollered at me from his room, "Hey Mom, is it okay if my girlfriend comes over to try the ratatouille?" There's actually still enough for two servings in the pan. I said yes, but I'll make sure there's still enough for me to have another serving!

ED. Since I posted, the official website for My Very Own Chef has gone live, and the kitchen is definitely open for business!


Sarah said...

I was always scared to try ratatouille in the past, but recently had it at a church dinner (of all places) and it was so good! I think that we had feta with it and you are right, the cheese sort of makes it!

Swedish Colombian said...

Yep, I was intrigued when I saw it listed on the menu, but when my son wanted to try it (thank the movie!), that sealed the deal.

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for the encouraging post...feel free to keep 'em coming! ;)